Savoring the Experience:
Add a bit of local honey to balance the tartness. Drink it hot or over ice. Or, brew a strong infusion, cool it, then serve it over ice with a splash of sparkling water.
Pair this caffeine free dessert infusion with your favorite traditional tea sweets. A dark chocolate mousse topped with ganache and a single blackberry makes the perfect companion dessert!
Papaya Cubes, Hibiscus Blossoms, Currants, Black Currant, Blueberries, Elderberries, Flavor, Strawberry, and Raspberry Pieces.
1.5 tsp Per Cup
4-8 Minutes
Fun Facts:
Hibiscus decorates Hawaii, Okinawa and other tropical locales with its beautiful blossoms and its exotic fragrance. Hibiscus contains vitamin C and minerals, and is traditionally used as a mild natural medicine. Similarly, blackberries rank fairly high for antioxidants and vitamins.